Sunday, March 28, 2010

 On the Beach, John Bonanno photo of my daughter Nicki, who is having a baby this week.

This Week's Maine Words of the Day 
Part Two

Maine word of the day: "puncheon" slab lumber used back in the day for flooring and much valued in old homes today. From the French word for "cask for liquor," 1479, from M.Fr. poinchon (13c.), of unknown origin. Uncertain connection with puncheon "slab of timber" (1466), also "pointed tool for punching" 1425–75; M...E ponchoun, punchon < MF ponçon, perh. to be identified with puncheon.

Maine word of the Day: "Fitten" adj. Proper, seemly, example: "It not fitten they gave Alex a letter of warning the day before he retired."

Maine word of the day: "Corn Sweat" a heated effort to cajole or convince, from boiled ears of corn laid alongside a patient under the covers to get him to sweat out a fever. example: "My supervisor thought he could corn sweat me to get  back in eight hours by waving  around the numbers  but I had eight certs, fifteen parcels ...and my DPS was an ugly mess and that just aint in the numbers."

Maine word of the day: "squaretail" the brook trout, not to be confused with a "togue" the lake trout which has a forked tail.

Maine Word of the Day: "Sport" a paying guest at a hunting or fishing camp who has hired a registered guide. example: "Lester's pretty ugly about the sports crowdin' his fishin' spot but they paid for his new truck."
Maine word of the day: "Cowbeef" meat from a cow which has outlived her milking days. Not too savory.

Quote of the Day

"Unto the lewd all things are lewd."-Theodore Schroeder

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