Monday, May 25, 2020

A Three Headed Dog Walks Into A Bar And Demands Three Drinks. The Bartender Refuses. Cerberus Eats Him.

Back in the 1983 Sainsbury's, a Brit corporation, bought a New England supermarket chain headquartered in Portland, Maine, Shaw's. They immediately built new stores to increase business and in doing so, put the outside entrance doors on the left and exit doors on the right and inside exit doors on the left and entrance doors on the right, in keeping with UK ways. I never got used to it and I suppose I never wanted to. It just gave me a reason to avoid stinking expensive Shaw's. 
They sold the chain to Albertson's back in 2004 but the doors are still screwed up to this day and many (including myself) still try to enter via the exit door. Did Albertson's agree to leave the doors that way? Or, are they secretly still a Brit company? They have not fixed this. This is not the freaking UK. 
Aha! Albertson's is no more. They were bought and merged with Safeway in 2014 to form a new company, AB Acquisition LLC. The deal took over a year to complete. This whole shebang is actually owned by the very spooky Cerberus Capital Management. Cerberus was the many headed hound of Hades. CCM has a lot of investors and employees who were/are (if there is a difference) in deep intelligence agencies. This is very helpful when doing business these days.  Cerberus spends a lot of money on politicians and lobbying. I suspect Cerberus bought supermarkets more to learn about us than to actually make money selling food. 
Cerberus' Managing Director Louis Bremer
Louis has been "tapped" by President Trump as assistant secretary of defense for special operations. Louis is as deep state as it gets. So much for "draining the swamp."

And now President Trump has hired Louis Bremer as Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Combat. (Ask anyone who has been in combat if there is such a thing.) This means he is in charge of clandestine operations to do with sabotage, assassination, kidnappings and the like. This is the deepest of swampy deep state stuff. Good luck Louis! And good luck to you Mr. President! 

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